The summer months are finally here, and that means it’s time to get your quad bike out of the storage and back onto the track!

Whether it’s you or your kids wanting to get back into riding, there are a few things you will need to check to make sure your bike is ready to ride!

Check out our checklist below to getting your bike summer ready!

1: Check your bike over


The first step is to give your bike a good check over to see if there are any visual problems.

Here are a few things to look out for:


Loose bolts and chains: Do any bolts need tightening up?


Leaks: Is anything leaking?


Underinflated tires: Your tires may need pumping up after being in the garage for 4-6 months!


Filters: Make sure no dust has accumulated in your filters.


Mice: if you have been keeping your bike in a garage or shed, it might be a good idea to check over for small rodents like mice that may have made a nest in or around your bike!


Fluids: Make sure your bike is oiled, and it has new fuel in!


2: Test Ride


Now you have inspected your bike, pumped up the tires and changed the oil, the next step it to warm up the mechanics with a test ride! This involves checking:


Breaks: The most important thing to check before you or your children go out on your quadbike is to make sure the breaks are all still in working order! There’s no reason they shouldn’t be, but it’s worth checking!


Battery: Your battery will probably need charging if your bike has been left for a few months.


Steering and power: A test run in a safe environment will let you test the steering and power, and allow you to get a feel for your bike after a period of not riding.

3: Shine it up


Your bike may have collected some dust over the winter!

Keep it looking and feeling like new by cleaning and polishing. This is good practice as it will keep your bike in good shape and prolong your bikes life and value.